14 January 2008


Sooo yesterday I slept in a bit. After I got up Lena and I walked to the Petrol station to "top up" our phone balance. I also got some toffee flavoured ice cream (soooo goood). Then it took a million years and a bunch of euros but finally figured out how to get mum & dad to be able to call me, so I got to talk to them for a long while, also hung out with a cow in the backyard and walked circles around the driveway a couple of times. Amber and I went to the Spar for a few small things and we saw Aiden on the way back. He was about to go to Zam Zams. He asked if we had eaten the chocolate orange he'd given us the other night (that we had put up and hid so it wouldn't get eaten and then promptly forgot about), and told us how his niece gave them to him every time he saw her and he asked if we liked the pub and told us to come back and hang out during the week when we had time. Apparently he was having a "quiet relaxed evening in" with Zam Zams for dinner haha. We walked back and then proceeded to stuff ourselves with food haha. We had "Irish Whiskey Salami" and then the "Tay-to Crisps" (Tay-to Crisps are the most delicious potato chip ever) and theeeeenn we split some chocolate chip cookies, then had a cup of coffee. Haha. Eventually Robert got back with the people who had stayed in Galway overnight and we went out to say hello to him and he asked us (Oh, speaking of Robert he just popped his head in here apparently looking for someone and said "I need trackers on you all so I can find ye") if we had "Recovered" yet. We were both really confused but apparently he meant from when he saw us at the pub the other night, since he had left before we did, except we didn't really even stay up that late, and Robert likes to give us a hard time. Harris walked up with my gloves that I had thought I lost but turned out to just be in the Blue Door house (The Blue Door house, also known as the Church Cottage, or alternatively the Boys' House, has Harris, Franz, Drew & Noah in it. They are constantly late waking up to catch Robert's shuttle). He came inside and we sat around telling funny stories we knew about ourselves or family members and had some Paddy, which is a kind of Irish Whiskey which apparently Harris's dad used to import to the states because he liked it so much. Oh, we also put a large sheet of brown paper on our fridge to write quotes and draw on, and it started to get filled up very fast. I illustrated most of mine. I'll have to scan it in when it is all filled. But one example would be: When Amber was little she used to believe that if she caught all her tears in a dixie cup and poured them into the pool, a unicorn would appear! Somehow our stories morphed into all the creepy things or scary stories that had happened to us. Lyndsey I don't think believes us because she's never had anything weird happen to her, but the rest of us had some pretty good true stories. We were all really creeped out, and so Amber and I had to go to the bathroom together hahaha and then when we opened the door Harris was outside with a huge blanket over his head and we both screamed, and then punched him. We ate our chocolate orange and then made popcorn and watched Death at a Funeral to un-creep ourselves (I know it doesn't sound like it would, but it's a hilarious comedy). But Harris was too creeped out to walk home so we gave him an extra blanket and pillow and he slept downstairs on the couch.

Oh, also, Amber tried to read our palms (she learned about it online) and we decided we were practically the same person haha.

In the morning Harris left to go shower and we all made breakfast and waited for Robert to get here. Now I have nothing till Art History after lunch. I brought some bread, a knife and my jar of Nutella with me for lunch so I don't have to buy lunch today, and I also have some dried apricots, that are really good like the ones in Paris were, for a snack.

Brian sent me a really sweet email that made my day :)

Amber just came in and said some people were walking to an abandoned town, but she wants to go at some point but she's in class right now and i think they already left so I am going to wait and go with Amber a different day.

Now I am going to go upload some photos so I can post them for you all.

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