30 January 2008

time arts

was amazing.
I'm never really one for drama/theatre exercises and impromptu acting in front of other people, but since the class consists of me, Harris, Franz, Thane, Amber, Beki, and Tyler, and they're awesome, it wasn't so bad and the exercises were pretty good and though I was worried since I was completely out of my element, I ended up having a wonderful time. I got to play with tin foil for an hour haha. and pretend I was walking through honey. And we did the human statues game, which I love, but I can never get anyone else to do with me ever, so that was great.

We went home and I cooked up some delicious ramen and then walked over to harris franz drew & noah's place. franz and harris had gone to the spar so I just crashed on their couch and read more in Animus & Anima and took lots of notes. the simpsons were on tv. When they got back Harris did some watercolour and gouache postcards. Amber stopped over and had harris go with her to the spar so she didn't have to go by herself. She came back and then went back home. franz left a little while later to go back to maries (my) house to watch jurassic park and after a bit harris and I walked to the studio. it is FREEZING out tonight. ugh. we met Chris and Thane on the road up to the school and bullshitted with them for a few. It's kind of creepy being the only ones in here, so I'm sitting in Hannah's seat while Harris is painting.

I made my mixed media project for thursday. the assignment was to react to "Beauty" so I took photos of everyone in the time arts class that I listed above and then combined them into one person, and here it is:


magallomom said...

Hey, I know this person! They pump gas at the Sunoco station in town!

Anonymous said...

by now you must have figured mom showed me how to comment! Question: Is delicious ramon anything like delicious bass?