12 March 2008

Saturday Saturday Sunday Sunday

In the morning I got up early so I could go to Gort. Chris texted asking why I was up so early again and I told him because of Gort and buying cheap food at Aldi and he texted back -

"Aldi! How much fun could you get into one week!? Heh...I love the catfood there..Well my cat loves it ha Cant believe I just wrote that."

Harris and I exchanged country souvenirs - He got me a Paris Vogue magazine. Then Olga and I walked to the Petrol Station so I could top up my phone. I was very upset because my twister ice pop things were gone and I told her I was very distressed but then I went digging and found one all the way on the bottom, hidden. Harris was going to go to Gort but the bus was full so he gave me money and a list and I said Id get him stuff. I looked through Vogue on the way here. I bought a mother's day card in Keenes. Olga and I ate lunch and then went to Aldi and I got Harris's food and some things for myself and some kitty food for Pushkin and a toothbrush because I realized I forgot mine and some bobbypins in the hotel room in Berlin, but there are worse things I could have forgotten. I left Harris's groceries on the kitchen table in Blue Door because he wasn't there (was climbing up the mountain to retrieve the goat skull). Olga and I also bought a 2 disc set of Romeo&Juliet and Moulin Rouge for 5 eur total and we'll either take them home or donate them to the school or give them to someone when we leave.

After I showered, Olga & I got dressed up to celebrate our return back to Ballyv. It was pouring out but Chris got Robbie to collect us in his car. John was on a crutch due to a rabid chair that attacked him viciously. We told him he looked like a wounded puppy and he cheered up. I ordered chips and Olga got a stir fry. We held up leftover 40th bday streamers to bat at like cats and I gave Chris the food I'd picked up for Pushkin and a pack of gum with a slab of meat on the packaging that I'd found that was funny. Some BCA people showed up a few hours later and I talked to Kristen for a bit. Thane told me some about Paris (walking around in refrigerator boxes). Harris sent me a hilarious text saying "U still there? My pants are drying" which I thought was hilariously random. I tried to get Brian to visit while I'm still here. Chris gave Olga a Dr Suess book and then tried to take it back and give it to me but I said it was hers first so she had to keep it. He was going to photocopy it so we could both have one but all the little cardboard flaps in the pages would have made it too difficult. Xhavid made bird sounds with his mouth and had Olga running all around the room trying to figure out where it was coming from (she was not very amused when she found out). I got a great photo of Chris Attenborough with a Guinness 'Stache on his new facial hairdo. We eventually left and went to Logues becase it was the 21st birthday of someone Chris Ellis had gone to school with. It was croweded and pretty much everyone knew Chris. He Harris and I went out back and there was broken/breaking glass everywhere and some guys fighting/piling on top of each other. Then they took the metal door from the back of Logues and moved it to form a sort of barricade between the back parking lot and side alleyway which led to boys running and jumping into it. We left because Robbie apparently had Sweeney Todd. About 15 people cheered from picnic benches at front when Chris walked out when we left. We went to the hotel to get take away and Binny(?) the town drunk was there. Olga took a nap on the couch and eventually we left. Olga went home and Chris Robert Shannalia Harris and I went to Chris&Shannalia's and hung out in the living room and ate gummy bears. We never ended up watching Sweeney because we got in too much conversation and wanted to wait to watch it with Laura.

On Sunday I had breakfast with Chris at the Tea Junction (the previous night Olga just realized it's called so because it is at the T-Junction in town). The new woman working there apparently knew him since he was 2 years old. He left for work and I walked back home and listened to music while Olga waxed my arms. After talking to mom and wishing her happy mum's day, I walked to Harris's to check on the goat skull and bring him an extra toothbrush to clean it with (I had 2 in the pack i bought from Aldi). I talked to Franz while he made lunch and then watched some TV for a bit with them and Drew and Noah before 7th Heaven came on and we had to turn the telly off.

Thats where I stopped writing and I have been super busy all the next week so now I need to strain to remember everything that happened.


magallodad said...

Ahhhh the waxing of the arms, a fine, but little known Irish tradition!

This is the comment I was leaving when you called.

Did I mention that that the Word Verification has it in for me! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Takes me three times to get through. I really think it changes my letters when I'm not looking.

emily rose said...

hahahahahah that's hilarious