22 February 2008

day of crits

mixed media crit went meh. i wish we could go back to london and find damien hirst.
painting crit... i don't know. some of it is just disappointing, level of work wise, but some people's work is amazing (i.e. Thane and Harris and I like Franz's a lot as well). There were a couple good discussions and it was pointed out to me that my one painting looks like a flag, which I think is very interesting. Tom also said some funny stuff and we talked about overthrowing all authority at the Burren via Franz's anarchic uprising against Tim. (jokes). .....

I wanted to see the screening of No Country for Old Men in the lecture hall, but I've already seen it and I didn't want to walk home so I took the bus, stopped at the Petrol Station and then watch a bit of television. Harris and I went and ate dinner at Zam Zams (just chips for me) and then I went home and met Julien, Olga's beau from Limerick, who was very nice and gave me some wine and I hung out with him and Shelby & Tyler while Olga cooked him dinner. Then after they were done eating we had a bit of excitement because one of the table legs broke randomly (looked like it had been broken once before and re-glued) and all the dishes crashed on the floor. We are now down to one single wine glass in the house heh. Anyway, that was exciting, and after we cleaned it up Harris showed up (missed the excitement though) and somehow fiddled with our TV and we have cable now! Thanks Harris. But we don't get RTE one or RTE two which is all I really want, so that's disappointing, but I suppose it's better than no tv at all. He made a dance party mix on my itunes and Olga and I danced around the kitchen. I'm out of actual beer now though, which sucks, because it's cheaper than at the pub. Dance party over, I talked to Shelby and Tyler for a bit and then went to sleep, had very weird dreams, and woke up, came to school, sat through lecture, looked at some painters in the library and took out some books on Irish art, wrote this, and in about an hour or so I am supposed to go sit out in a field with lambs so Martina can take my photo.

Hopefully I will get my time arts piece done tonight or tomorrow. We will probably end up at new hotel at some point tonight. At least we are going somewhere tomorrow with an ATM. (we have saturday class with irish studies since gordon will be missing classes in march). Berlin soon.

Oh, and for mixed media they gave us each the name of another person in class, randomly, and for our project we have to stalk them and make a project out of our surveillance footage... I can't tell you who I got though, it's a secret to be revealed later on. I know who Shelby's stalkee is though, should be good.

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