After we were done, Martina drove me home and I pet her dogs (in the back seat). I reallllly love her one dog, I forget its name, but I want this breed of dog now. It is SOOO huge and sweet and apparently hers is actually small for an Alaskan Malamute. So, after Berlin, hopefully I can find a ballgown type thing in a thrift store because we are going to re-pose me like the photos we took out in the field and reshoot so she can combine the photos so it looks like I am out with the sheep in a ballgown.
After I got home, Olga wanted to take Julien out behind the fairy forest and show him the Burren so I went with them and we explored out there for a good bit. It was really fun, and nice to be showing someone around. We got back to the house a few hours later and watched the British version of The Weakest Link while eating (and choking on) popcorn. I went out to the Petrol station for brioche with Harris but he disappeared and I walked with Beki and Amber back to the house talking about fur hats from Russia. After I ate dinner the house phone rang and it was Harris who apparently was going to Connolly house or to Orchard to watch Juno but I told him we were going to end up at New Hotel. Then we got dressed up and went out to Greenes and Julien bought a round. We made art with the coasters and Julien preformed all of his regional irish accents for us. (I'll have to videotape it next time). I texted Robert and invited him out but, we would find out monday, apparently he had already had a pint or two somewhere else, so didn't want to drive. We walked to New Hotel while Julien picked us daffodils and when we got there it was someone's 40th birthday party, but it wasn't an exclusive thing luckily. Olga and I hung out with Julien which was really fun and then (small world) these two people he had gone to grade school with and used to be in a band with were there, so there was a lot of excitement about that. A lot of people ended up showing up. Harris and Drew got back from Connolly's and apparently Harris rode on drew's handlebars the whole way haha. Rex showed up and Julien and Harris gave him tons of attention. A band started playing and we had a huge sing-a-long to Ring of Fire, Hit the Road Jack & Great Balls of Fire, among others haha. H left not too long after, as he'd had a long night already. Olga and Julien left because he was leaving early in the morning. Noah called me over and we slow danced with all these cute old ladies haha. I danced with Drew for a bit when the music picked up again but after 5 or 6 songs my side started hurting haha so I went and got a guinness and Drew stole my phone and started sending drunk texts to Harris and I felt bad because it was really late. Eventually I left with Noah and Drew and somehow (those of you who know me really well are going to be so shocked) Drew talked me into sitting on his handlebars and letting him bike me home. So yeah, I got home really quickly haha but the whole time I was saying "Drew, you don't know how terrified I am right now, okay, my eyes are closed, don't crash haha". But it was fun like, and we didn't die, so that's an experience worth writing about haha.
Saturday morning we woke up to go on an Irish Studies field trip at 10am. We went to Loch Rae (i think?) to look at stained glass in a cathedral. We went to the ATM down the street while we waited for mass to be over and then Olga and I ducked into this fresh produce store and got blueberries and cherries and fresh basil and chives. We went into a cafe next door and had coffee and then went to the church, looked around, and ate cherries. We got back on the bus and went to Coole Park which is Lady Gregory's estate. It was pretty amazing. Harris gradually turned himself into a tree being haha and Gordon told him he was the epitome of some irish fairy tale, I forget exactly the guy's name but I'll figure it out. Drew found a disney scooter with words chipped off so all it said was "the pooh" haha. it was missing a wheel so he cracked part of the plastic off and put the one wheel in the center so it worked well. It was a really fun walk around.
We got back into town and Olga and I made mashed potatoes with wild garlic we'd picked and the chives and a salad with the fresh basil. I donated my potatoes and dishwashing skills in return for her cooking me dinner. Harris asked what the occasion was, but there really wasn't one, we just felt like it. Tyler and Beki came over and Harris came over after a while and we went and worked on time arts projects and then he left to go pack for Paris and I took a shower - a really bad one. Since Shelby & my shower is broken, we are using Lena & Olga's and it was either scalding hot or freezing cold and then the water just stopped and I just stared at it incredulously and just as i was about to step out and dry off the soap it came back on. Weird. I borrowed Lena's hairdryer and then straightened my hair and went to blue door, realizing as i went that it was strongly misting and i should have worn a coat with a hood. By the time we got to New Hotel I was soaked and John, the manager, was standing out in the foyer smoking and said "You're a very brave woman to walk all the way here without anything on your head, want to go inside and dry off? Haha." I just said thanks and went into the bathroom and saw how soaking wet I was (shouldn't have bothered drying/straightening) but it looked good enough. Harris Noah and I were the only ones there at that time besides some couple, I forget where they were from, not Ballyvaughan, but I think their names were Paul and Mary, I should have asked where Peter was. Ohhhh. heh. They were really nice and we had a long talk with them about politics and art etc. Annie, Annie's brother, Katrina, Josh and Max showed up and Annie's brother got in the conversation about politics which was not good haha. Especially sitting at a table of Obama supporters, tensions rose easily, although that wasn't the kicker, as he was just for Hillary, but then we started talking about Kosovo because Javid (spelling?) was working (and obviously Matt/Muhammad we made friends with) so the subject of Kosovian independence came up and how Serbia was already trying to invade them to regain land and they didn't want to let them have their own country and how outrageous it was and Annie's brother started going on about how the people of Kosovo were as much to blame in the Serbian conflict (although they were the ones being ethnically cleansed...) and how we shouldn't support their independence because would we support any country breaking away? It just got really frustrating and Harris ended up leaving (he also had to go finish packing). I stayed and talked to Paul and Mary for a good while and then walked home with Noah.
When we got back Harris was ironing and I had a cup of tea. We watched this really strange movie with Ryan Reynolds in it where he was on house arrest and then number 9 kept coming up and all these alternate universe/stories with the same group of actors kept occurring. It was pretty bizarre. Hold on, I'm going to go look on imdb and see if i can figure out what it was... Oh. Heh. "The Nines". Well, that would make sense now wouldn't it. I love Ryan Reynolds. Anyway, went to sleep.
I forgot to mention that friday night Drew drunkenly promised to cook me breakfast sunday morning, so I held him to it. It was pretty amazing actually. Scrambled eggs, toast, sausages & black pudding. It was really great. and he wouldn't let me have just water with breakfast so Harris gave me some milk. Drew and I watched rugrats on rte two and some special on Beyonce heh. Harris came back from school or wherever and I said bye and told him to get me some kind of souvenir and he left for Paris. I lay out on their lawn for awhile listening to my ipod which was really relaxing and talked noah into joining me after awhile, at which point he agreed that it was pretty amazing. I worked on my time arts project for awhile and then took a nap for a few hours. I had leftover mashed potatoes, brioche & apples for dinner with olga and tyler came over and i took some video footage which we watched in fast forward so we all sounded like chipmunks. I ran through my dance mix and then Olga and I decided to go out to New Hotel for just onnnne drink, so we only took enough change to get a pint of guinness.
When we got there we were the only two in there besides Javid and Chris and we also realized we should have brought more money but Chris said not to worry since he was working so he gave us free drinks and eventually free ice cream as well haha. Thank you Chris! John came and was givin me a hard time haha, then Philip showed up too and started sticking up for me so there was a play fight haha. Chris might come to Baltimore for a bit over the summer so I offered our couch if he needed a place to stay for awhile. That would be so great if he came! Apparently Chris Attenborough might give him a job at his bar for a bit, so that would be great to have them both around.
I think I talked John into throwing me a birthday party at the New Hotel which would be sweet! He even mentioned maybe having a band or musician come to play music - that would be soo great! I'm going to hold him to that if i can. It'd be so much fun.
Anyway around midnight Olga and I walked home and went straight to sleep. Woke up in the morning and we told Robert we'd invite him earlier next time. Today is rainy and one of those days where you just spend the day researching Berlin online and listening to dance remixes.
I'm starting to panic because there is so little time left and to be honest, I really wish I could live here. *sigh*.
Seriously, mum and dad.... when you retire, I really think you need to move here. I'll come visit all the time.
My room in the hotel is with Morgan, Kristen, Raychel, Hannah & Carra. We are getting picked up by the bus at 4.15am in the morning tomorrow......... this travel should be interesting with such a huge group... Don't worry, I'll be keeping another journal.
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