08 February 2008

kristen's birthday

last night was interesting haha.

olga and i went to aidens for free desert and drinks at his restaurant. it was actually really awesome to be the only three people in this fancy restaurant and clothing store with glass windows on the entire side of the building overlooking the water that is only about 5 feet away. we tried on some dresses one of which i may or may not get, assuming Aiden keeps his promise of selling it to me for super cheap haha. he drove us back to maries house and olga and i got changed and then we all went to orchard house for kristen's dance party.

interesting night.

good night, interesting.

today we just got out of lecture so i have to run before we go out on our field trip. we're staying with fiana saturday night so we have to figure out the rest of the days but i am excited.

can't get that song out of my head.

talk to you soon!


magallodad said...

the heck with the red dress, what about that water that is only five feet away! Are we talking a loch or a river or a stream or a brook... and are there fishes in that water, perhaps little trouties and big salmonines...huh huh huh....

magallodad said...

and by the way, if you left a space between A and Broad it would give a whole new meaning to your blog....