04 February 2008

okay memory, go into overdrive

okay now i have to try and remember what i did since the last post, it's been so long since i've been able to get online...

fridayyyy.... i know we went to the new hotel. man, and i was doing so well remembering the details.

i intended to do my time arts project but for some reason that never happened. it was probably due to inclement weather making me unhappy. it may have been friday when harris franz and i left the studio and got scared by a giant rabbit, or maybe it was a different night. i can't remember. but eventually we went out to the new hotel for a bit and watched a movie afterwards. i don't know. friday is just going to be a black hole, i think, as far as details go. No one else remembers anything besides the snow storm. It was just a black hole. OH wait, but now that I think about it on the way back from the pub, Harris and I saw a UFO (in that we can't figure out what the hell it was because it was not A) a plane, B) a meteor/shooting star C) a satellite.) which leaves, i don't know. it was very strange, so we decided to pretend it didn't happen. Oh and now I also remember that the guys started their rap song on Friday. So maybe it wasn't as much of a black hole as it originally appeared.

on saturday amber franz shelby and tyler went to galway. harris noah drew kristen and i, and a few more, went to gort to go foodshopping for cheap. i found an appropriate red skirt in a store there that turned out to be € 100 so I told the lady nevermind. There was a little bruhaha (Spelling?) because in Aldies, they don't take american IDs so no one could get any cheaper-than-the-pub beverages except for Noah because he looks like a 30 year old irishman, so everyone just gave him money. Never a dull moment.

We got home, unpacked, waited out a rainstorm and then Harris came over so I could do my time arts project (which I will post). Then we dyed his hair brown and Olga dyed his eyebrows. Then we ran back to the blue door house so he could shower at the appropriate time (and get all the black acrylic paint off - thanks again for letting me paint on you). Supposedly there were going to be twin musicians at the new hotel, so after recording more wonderful rap, we meandered in that direction. However, no music was to be found because of the Burren Conference and lots of elderly historians. Still a good time, however. Carra and I wrote our own rap, which we will have to record one of these days. I also had a really good talk with Morgan, and Kristen. We left slightly before mostly everyone else so we could go watch Jurassic Park. Today I found out that apparently there was a little local brawl involving one of the cooks from Logues pub and some other local that resulted in a panel of glass being cracked, but unfortunately I have no more details besides that. Well, good. This place seems more human now. Before it was a little too akin to Hot Fuzz with the "nothing even slightly bad every possibly could happen here" stuff.

Now, I can't remember, have I told you about Andreas? He is the guy from northern italy (so actually sounds more germanic) that we met at the New Hotel who calls me and Harris "Eva" and "Tim." Well, we told him we were watching Jurassic Park and about half an hour later he showed up with a Carlsberg for each of us (me, Harris, Franz, Drew & himself), as well as Tay-to chips and packages of peanuts because "he didn't want to show up empty handed." Wonders will never cease. It was very nice of him.

Sunday we hung out in the kitchen, which is generally where the populace of the world congregates, in my opinion, and had nice little chitchat before Harris and I went to the Tea Junction for our weekly Pancake breakfast. The waitresses said hi and laughed because we both ordered the exact same food as last Sunday, and said see you next week. I went home and took photos back in the fairy forest with Olga. Then I discovered Shelby had gotten me a child's size reflective vest when she was in Galway which made me very happy so now my outfit for one of our performance pieces (I will tell you about it later) is complete. I walked to the studio with Lyndsey and got a bunch of work done, uploaded all of my photos and all that. It was snowing (wetly) and pouring on the walk so I was pretty soaking. We borrowed Everything Is Illuminated from Shelby and H and I made steak and salad for dinner (amazing! I have been craving steak sooo badly!) and had a nice discussion with Olga. Beki and Amber were going to watch Stardust so we finished the movie at the blue door house (their living room is more homey anyway) and Franz came home and we hung out for awhile and then I walked home and on the way I saw some lightening, which for some reason seems completely out of place in this environment, but I suppose there's really no grounds to base that surprise on.

Today I made 2 sandwiches with brioche and smoked ham, cheese, mustard and mayo(both of which I have already inhaled, they were so good) and edited my time arts piece, so that's all done. I also looked through my photos for Martina for tomorrow so now I have to edit down and pick the good ones. I also need to start painting.

But yeah, last night Beki Morgan and Noah booked their flights to Prague but Harris and I decided to wait and think about it, and luckily we did because today I found out that for the same cost as 1 person's round trip flight to prague, we could BOTH fly round trip to London. So I emailed Stephanie Leal and Fiana to see what they're up to, and he has a friend there as well, so on Saturday we are going with Morgan Noah and Beki to Dublin, catching our flight and then exploring London for a few days before flying back to Dublin, spending the afternoon, maybe hang out with Brian Kelly, and coming back to Ballyvaughan. I'm really excited. Anyway we have some long weekends in March so we could always go to Prague then, although I think we should really go to Italy and stay with relatives. That would be really wonderful. I would have liked to go back to Paris, but Thane and Harris are going there when the rest of us are in Berlin. We'll see. It depends on what flights are cheapest at the time, too. But good photos will be had, and exploring, so it'll be an adventure. It's so incredibly refreshing to just say, okay, in less than a week, let's go to this country, okay? Okay. Sort of spur of the moment. It feels good to have done that, just this once.

Anyway I am incredibly excited and I'm sure we'll have a blast.

Aiden invited us to go to his store after school sometime this week and said he'd give us free food & drinks and drive us all back to town afterwards, so we are going to have to do that ASAP.

I'm trying to think if there were any other good stories of things that happened before I upload some photos and my time arts piece.

i'm looking up hostels now so we can book ahead of time for London. Steph's place is too small for guests but she's going to meet up with us, so that'll be good.
Noah ordered the box set of all the Leprechaun movies from amazon hahaha. it's amazing. i can't wait to watch them. there's even a Leprechaun in the Hood one with Ice-T in it hahahaha. Yesss.

Okay back to work.
Well, photos, then back to work

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