this was more of a test run, but figured i might as well share. i have to do the paint differently next time
and hopefully it will have both characters in it so i will have help with the photos and not be running back and forth with the 10 second self timer heh
....wow, dress is very striking in that environment! your new do also looks great with the dress.....
check the book for your camera if you have it with you, think you can change the 10 seconds to longer time periods so you won't break your neck getting back to your position, especially if you are going up trees, etc!
i like
thanks, yeah, i just had a meeting with martina and she liked it. next time, more paint and i will probably be barefoot. we will see. and yes, i'll go check the book. thanks :)
i love everything about these photos! there's so much texture, color and an amazing start to the series. even though it's so dark it's still incredibly fairy tell esque. it kind of reminds me of pans labrynth kind of sort of. i can't wait to see the finished product.
love the dress and the hair and the forest. Love the whole feel of the piece.
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