07 February 2008

Walking home in the rain

makes me very resentful of water pouring on my head. Actually, more like water being blown sideways into my eyes/nose/mouth/clothes. haha. But then it feels so nice to get changed in to nice dry clothes. Yet again, I forgot it was set dancing night till someone mentioned it. I walked to Blue Door and I finally got to talk to Brian on the phone, which was really nice. Franz and Harris were watching Flight of the Concords, which is a great show if you've never watched it, you should check it out. We used to watch it online every week in Paris. Logues was pretty quiet but we talked to Chris Ellis for awhile who demystified Ballyvaughan for us. He also apparently has some friends in London he might be able to get us a couch with so we don't have to spend as much money on hostels, which would be great. He said he's also considering flying out there Monday to come hang out with us. London is his favourite city. He said that there's as much happening as in New York, except much nicer and lest nerve-wrecking.

Oh, random note, I forgot if I mentioned but I got some valentine's day presents from my mom, one of which is a white squeaky-toy white rat with red/pink hearts on it. He lives in my pocket of my vest now with his little head poking out and his name is Otter and everyone loves him haha.

Anyway we got bored with Logues so we walked to the New Hotel, and Robert was working at the bar. (Not Robert who drives the shuttle to school, different Robert). They had put up a dart board so Olga started trying to do it (got the darks stuck in the wall a couple times but pretty good for her first time, real lucky). So she and Harris started a game and Harris told me to be Vanna White and be the score keeper so that was my job haha. It was actually really fun. I discovered that I much prefer gin & tonic to vodka & tonic and that Pravda totally ripped us off when we were in Dublin because there was maybe a tablespoon full of gin. They call the tonics "baby mixers" and they come in their own little tiny glass bottles.

They also played the Offspring's "Pretty Fly for a White Guy" and I think they might have played Nelly or one of those pop rap american guys.

We ended the night with some more Flight of the Conchords.

This morning was uneventful. I did a bit of painting and it turned out at least better than I thought it would considering for some unknown reason I decided to paint directly onto tracing paper. Franz really liked it and I think Harris thought it was bearable so I guess it's okay haha.

I payed for lunch in all 20 cent pieces so I can save all my cash monies for the bus to Galway/Dublin Saturday.

We're going to take the last bus home tonight so Robert can drop us off at Aiden's store. He says he has a red dress, not floor length but I should probably look at it pre-London. Tonight is Kristen's dance party, our performance piece got cancelled because the majority of people chickened out. But I sort of want to bring my paints home and get work done tonight. We'll see. I finally found my headphones and that greatly cheers me up.

I might be able to get online after Irish Studies tomorrow if we end up staying but if I don't talk to you.... See you after London!!!

1 comment:

magallomom said...

...glad to hear the rat survived the trip & got such a welcome in his new home...just wondering what the post office thought when they read the customs manifest!...